Elite Fat Loss Coaching

Build confidence, Lose belly fat, Get accountability + expert guidance, Build strength without getting big and find the best foods to fit your life and taste 

KutBody is the way of the Future

Transform Your Body Today with your KutBody Program Your Premier Personal Training Solution!

Personal Training Services

Fitness woman exercising with fitness trainer in gym. Personal fitness instructor. Personal training.

KutBody Training

Our KutBody program is backed by aged old principles that get real long term results, mixed with modern day concepts to keep things fun, educational and rewarding.

The sessions are 1 hour Long and consists of 4 phases

1) Warm up 

2) Techinal  & Skills Training

3) Strengthening & Conditioning

4) Cool Down & Stretching

Sessions start are $60 each

Nutrition Coaching & accountability included



Lose 15 -20 lbs in 90 days

This program is for guys who are sick of the dad bod and want to get rid of the belly fat while building some Kut Muscle!

We are not bodybuilders! And do not train like them but rather we like to be muscle that fits your frame while giving you speed, endurance where it matters most, confidence in your abilities 

This isn't for:

Lazy people

Guys who can't be coached

Dont want to make small sacrifices to get big results

This is for:

Guys who have motivation just need guidance and accountability from a coach

Guys who are sick of looking in the mirror and not liking what they see

Guys who are ready and willing to make a change for the better!

we make it easy to succeed by creating solutions to all your problems like....

What you can eat, What restaurants to choose from, how to eat when you travel, how to eat even though you have a family, how to get your protein in on a busy day and much much more

apply today

Welcome to KutBody - Your Ultimate Fitness Destination

At KutBody , we get results

Month 1 is changing nutrition habits, getting your body prepared for your customized routine and getting you the small results that'll help towards the big goal!

Phase 1 we increase protein, get rid of high processed foods, and increase hydration. You will be required a certain number of strength training workouts and cardio workouts to get you ready for phase 2.

We will create a calorie deficit to get rid of excess fat and start the kutting process to begin to reveal your KutBody. 

Once you get started you aren't going to want to stop

Learn More
KutBody training with Reshaud Dubose

Let’s Talk about what success looks like for you